


Occasionally, we receive feedback from those who benefit from our work. Here are some examples:- 

"The generous team at Community Fruit Harvesting has been providing the Auckland City Mission with homemade jams, chutneys and cordials on a regular basis since 2011. These items make a wonderful contribution to the Mission’s emergency food parcels, which are then distributed throughout the wider Auckland to individuals and families in desperate need."

Dame Diane Robertson | Auckland City Mission 

"One of the support services we offer is a food bank, which is kept supplied with community support. Community Fruit Harvesting has supported our food bank with donations of fresh fruit, vegetables and delicious homemade cordial. Such fresh produce is a real treat for the families accessing our services."

Jan Rutledge | DePaul House

"We have a huge following with our Customers, of Community Fruit Harvesting Jams, Jellies and Marmalades. In some cases we have a waiting list! We feel extremely lucky to be supported by this incredible Charity."

Jen Aldridge | The Memory Shop Manager

"I want to acknowledge that through this incredible initiative and through the wonderful commitment of di and her volunteers, some of the children who would never have received fruit in their lunchboxes now have that privilege. We want our future role models to learn from community spirited people such as they are; that they can give back to the community and they can continue on from where this team leaves off."

Adrienne Mawer | Birkdale Primary

"On behalf of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul would like to say thank-you for donations of fruit, drinks and jams. Special thank-you to everyone for the time consuming charitable work that you are doing it really helps our food banks." 

Theresa Hellesoe | Society of Saint Vincent de Paul 

"The students have learnt how to make a variety of recipes such as cordial, marmalade and pickle and to use the fruit in recipes such as lemon chicken and lemon pudding. The marmalade and cordial are used in our school breakfast club. It has been invaluable having this resource because it makes it all very real for the students. They are actually carrying out sustainability and can write about it in their assessment report. Secondly, the fruit has been given out to students at breakfast club and to students in our classes. This is far better nutritionally for them than the usual sugary snacks."

Pat Boston | HOD Food and Textiles, Birkenhead College 

"We would like to commend the community fruit harvesting group for their hard work and innovation in sourcing a product that would otherwise mostly go to waste and then distributing it to the needy and low income families in schools and communities, all free of charge. We have had several fabulous deliveries of beautiful fresh fruit which we have distributed to the students in our school and which was much appreciated and enjoyed."

Sarah Fitzgerald | Glenfield Primary School

"We have kindly received many donations of jam, marmalade, cordial and fruit from Di Celliers to sell on behalf of Hospice North Shore. This has made a great difference to us as every cent counts in our fundraising pot . I know the Community Fruit Harvesting volunteers work extremely hard and it gives me pleasure to recommend their efforts for us."

Andie Moore | Browns Bay Hospice Shop

"HBC Community House has had the pleasure of receiving fruit and jams from Di Celliers from Community Fruit Harvesting for many years.  This has been used gratefully, in our Foodbank, which has a huge growing need.  I have also been out picking apples with her in the orchards with her groups and am amazed at her dedication, versatility and patience."

Carol Laidlaw | HBC Community House  

SalvationArmyOranges"Oteha Valley School would like to extend their thanks to Community Fruit Harvesting for including us in their recipients of fruit bins. Their fruit is always extremely well received by our school families and we applaud their initiative to match excess fruit with the local community."

Julie | Oteha Valley School office

"Being far from home, with a critically ill child in hospital, is never easy.  But sometimes it’s the little things that can make a big difference. On behalf of Ronald McDonald House Auckland thank you so much for the apples you donated. We seek to provide our families with more than just a bed; we aim to alleviate the practical, emotional and financial burdens that can accompany our families. Having a well-stocked kitchen with healthy food can really help to make a family’s day just that little bit easier and I know that they will really appreciate your thoughtfulness."

Cara Ryan | Ronald McDonald House 

"Dear Community Fruit Harvesters,
We want to thank you for the fruit that Patricia has been delivering to us over the last two years.
The adult refugees and their children are delighted with all the different fruit. Grapefruit, feijoas, mandarins, oranges, limes, and, today, kiwifruit spring (!) to mind.
For our students who are very short of money this is a fantastic and healthy supplement to their diets. They are very grateful."

Gavin McCardle | Teacher Refugee Education for Adults and Families | Selwyn College

Thanks to the following organisations who support us:-

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